行政委員會 Administrative Committee


The Administrative Committee shall be the executive body under the Council.

According to the CityUSU Constitution Chapter 6, it has the following authority and responsibilities:

委員 Members


38th City University of Hong Kong Students' Union Council Administrative Committee

主席 Chairperson: (SECDS) 林奇峰 Lam Ki Fung (Fung)

副主席 Vice-Chairperson: (BCHS / MAC) 梁子晉 Leung Tsz Chun (Donald)

秘書 Secretary: (SECDS) 陳鉅森 Chen Kui Sum (Sum)

委員 Members:


37th City University of Hong Kong Students' Union Council Administrative Committee

主席 Chairperson: (PAS) 龔啟進 KUNG Kai Chun (Kung)


36th City University of Hong Kong Students' Union Council Administrative Committee

署理主席 Acting Chairperson: (BCHS) 邱詠琦 YAU Wing Kei (Venus)

秘書 Secretary: 出缺

委員 Members:


35th City University of Hong Kong Students' Union Council Administrative Committee

主席 Chairperson: (LASDS) 林穎曦 LIN Wing Hei Matthew

副主席 Vice-Chairperson: (MGS) 李振睿 Lee Chun Yi (Jason)

秘書 Secretary: (BCHS) 古逸民 Koo Yat Man (Aaron)

委員 Members:


34th City University of Hong Kong Students' Union Council Administrative Committee

主席 Chairperson: (SECDS) 賴煒軒 LAI Wai Hin

委員 Members: (MAC) 衞凱程 WAI Hoi Ching (Horace)